Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blah Blah Blog

So I've finally crawled out of the technology rock and created myself a blog. Well, can I say "This rocks!" What an incredible time we live in that under- achieving- art school- dropout- wannabe- writers like myself can actually have a forum to write freely without consent. And by some freak of nature even attract an audience (I say that very loosely) that will read this verbal diarrhea .

I am a photographer and have been for the last eon. I've enjoyed every minute of it. Met a lot of very interesting people along the way. I'd like to thank them all for making the journey to now a flavorful one.

Not quite sure why I created this blog. I guess it's somewhat of a therapeutic outlet from the everyday grind. Occasionally jot some thoughts down that may otherwise end up in the pre-dementia box.

Image is of my daughter. The one thing I know turned out perfect in my life.

For all you spec techs. Shot with a Nikon D2x, strip box camera upper left and converted b/w in pp.

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