Thursday, April 24, 2008

Windy City moment

Been feeling a bit nostalgic the last few days (must be the head cold, cough medicine and brandy combo) and thought I'd rummage through the archives for some old b/w's. One of my favorite cities to visit is Chicago. Beautiful architecture, a buffet of history and one of the most breathtaking waterfronts (Navy Pier) in the U.S. I was flown out to shoot a wedding there a couple of years ago so as per my usual routine before a location shoot, I wandered the streets a day before the ceremony for some locations to take the couple for their portraits. Being a huge E.R. fan (watched every episode from its inception), this shot of the "L" with all the hustle and bustle pretty much encapsulated the whole Chicago vibe for me. I had a chance to ride the train and that in its self was a trip maker. Passing Wrigley field and watching the fans filing into the stadium you could almost smell the pine tar and popcorn. The train practically runs aside the stadium and you get a wonderful quick peek at the Cub Haven. The city of Chicago has a timeless quality about it and I've yet to skim the surface of fully exploring its more intimate areas. Shout out to Chicago. I'll be seeing y'all soon!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blah Blah Blog

So I've finally crawled out of the technology rock and created myself a blog. Well, can I say "This rocks!" What an incredible time we live in that under- achieving- art school- dropout- wannabe- writers like myself can actually have a forum to write freely without consent. And by some freak of nature even attract an audience (I say that very loosely) that will read this verbal diarrhea .

I am a photographer and have been for the last eon. I've enjoyed every minute of it. Met a lot of very interesting people along the way. I'd like to thank them all for making the journey to now a flavorful one.

Not quite sure why I created this blog. I guess it's somewhat of a therapeutic outlet from the everyday grind. Occasionally jot some thoughts down that may otherwise end up in the pre-dementia box.

Image is of my daughter. The one thing I know turned out perfect in my life.

For all you spec techs. Shot with a Nikon D2x, strip box camera upper left and converted b/w in pp.